Ugaoo Mini Indoor Plants – Set Of Four
According to Feng-Shui, Money Plant and Jade are the best plants to bring fortune, health, wealth, abundance and prosperity to your home or office. Money Plant/Pothos: Money Plants are very beautiful plants, which require minimal care and are easy to maintain. Considered as wealth and fortune bringer money plants also act as air purifiers. They are efficient at removing airborne toxins such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. Give the Money Plant bright, indirect sunlight. Too much sunlight can burn the foliage and increase variegation. When the soil looks dry at the top its time to water the plant, and give the Money Plant enough water so that it drains from the bottom of the pot, but don’t allow it to sit in water. Jade: It is better to keep Jade plant in front of the office or in the office cubicle, so as to attract more business or more income. Jade plants are succulents and prefer full sun, but will tolerate light shade and the dappled light if exposed to sunlight for few hours once a week. Make sure that you don’t overwater it. Peace lily (officially called Spathiphyllum) is a member of the Araceae family and grows in the tropical rainforests of Colombia and Venezuela Ranked third by NASA in removing three of most common air pollutants— formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. The Sansevieria plants are commonly known as snake plants and it is one of the best houseplants of all time. Variants of this category of plants include short leaves, long leaves, green & tinted, green with yellow stripings etc. The other names of this plant are mother-in-law’s tongue, bowstring hemp, devil’s tongue etc. It can survive with low light levels and irregular watering.
1. The product includes a set of four live plants with pot.
2. The size of the product is (4x4x7.5 inches) or (10x10x19 cms).
3. The material of the pot is plastic.
4. Clean with a soft, dry cloth to avoid scratches.
5. Water once a week, but check the topsoil before watering, it has to be dry to touch. Needs bright indirect sunlight.